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Gauntet  Hand Augmentation

Two Month Startup Engagement

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Brief - Create a custom printed hand augementation device for early stage ALS utilizing Electronic Muscle Technology


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive neuromuscular disease. ALS is characterized by a progressive degeneration of motor nerve cells in the brain (upper motor neurons) and spinal cord (lower motor neurons). When the motor neurons can no longer send impulses to the muscles, the muscles begin to waste away (atrophy), causing increased muscle weakness. 


  • Hand Grip Analysis

  • Phalangeal Motion Analysis


  • Biomechanical Art

  • 3D printing

  • Robotics

  • Jewelry

  • Wearable Tech

Harnes Exploration

  • Sketch exploration

  • Initial Concept Model

  • Test Model with Crimp Design

Algorithmic Model

  • Simulated 3D point cloud of finger

  • Algorithmic model

  • Build planes

  • Build Curves through intersecting points

  • Build structure on curves

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